Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

Visit Tech Alliance

Women in AI for social good

AUT, 55 Wellesley Street, Auckland AUT, 55 Wellesley Street, Auckland

From healthcare, to finance, education and government, artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping every part of our lives. It is also helping solve some of the world’s greatest challenges. However, women account for less than 25 percent of the AI workforce.


Golden Ticket 1 Year Anniversary

MinterEllisonRuddWatts PwC Tower, Level 22,15 Customs St West, Auckland, New Zealand

The Golden Ticket program is turning one!



Mystery Creek Road, Hamilton 125 Mystery Creek Road,, Hamilton

Fieldays has something for everyone. Fieldays presents New Zealand’s agricultural and primary sectors with an international marketplace to advance agriculture, while honouring our three pillars – innovation, education, globalisation.


Forming New Zealand’s policy approach to autonomous weapons systems

ANZ Centre The Pavilion, Ground Floor, 23 Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand

Please join Minister Twyford and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and share your views on policy and regulation of autonomous weapons systems (AWS).

Free – $25

The Hub Series 2021


The Hub Series 2021 is underway with our opening event held on 20 May kicking off the series, and three online sessions coming up in June, July and August.