Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Other Industry Reports

The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2018

2018 Update As the voice of the technology ecosystem, in 2016 NZTech set about finding out just how important technology is for New Zealand. Without an answer there is serious risk that as a country we will miss opportunities for both economic growth and social improvement. While growth in tech exports will continue to be … Continue reading "The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2018"


Statistics NZ – Legislative Review Submission

This is a submission on behalf of the Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand to Stats NZ on the public discussion document Towards new data and statistics legislation. Prepared by the AI Forum


Letter to Minister Faafoi – New Zealand Copyright Review

Letter to Minister Faafoi – New Zealand Copyright Review – Fixing Barriers to Innovation. The current Copyright Act disadvantages New Zealand businesses who face a barrier to innovation. Prepared by the AI Forum

2018 Annual Report
Annual Reports

NZTech Annual Report – 2018

Discover why the importance of tech is no longer a debate. Report prepared by: NZTech

Briefing Papers

Digital Principles

This briefing paper prepared by the TechLeaders Executive sets out six key principles to support New Zealand’s transformation to a more digitally competitive nation. Report prepared by: TechLeaders Executive

Artificial Intelligence Report 2018
Digital Nation Series

Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand

This report is the culmination of a one year research project led by the AI Forum with research partners IDC and Sapere. The research examined the New Zealand and international AI industry landscapes, investigating AI’s potential impacts on New Zealand’s economy and society. The report identifies key AI opportunities, in the public, private and education … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand"

Briefing Papers

Preparing for the Digital Disruption of Work

Digital transformation, including automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to impact many current jobs and the income of many New Zealanders. This TechLeaders Executive discussion paper looks at how we can best prepare for the imminent digital disruption of work. Report prepared by: TechLeaders Executive

Digital Skills for a Digital Nation Report
Digital Nation Series

Digital Skills for a Digital Nation

An analysis of the digital skills landscape of New Zealand. This report commissioned by the New Zealand Digital Skills Forum, provides actionable findings, to ensure we, as a nation, can realise our potential through developing a skilled capable workforce prepared for the future of work. Report prepared by: New Zealand Digital Skills Forum

Briefing Papers

Education and Future Workplaces

Industry, education and the workplace of tomorrow. Technology leaders from some of New Zealand’s largest organisations discuss the role of industry in helping prepare New Zealand’s future workforce in this briefing paper. Briefing Paper prepared by: TechLeaders Executive