Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Annual Reports

NZTech ESG Report 2024

NZTech is using the Future-Fit Business Benchmark as a tool to measure and improve the organisation and its impact on people and planet.  The 2024 report shows improvements from the baseline measurement year in 2022. Improvements this year have been possible due to the introduction of better policies and increasing use of renewable energy. The … Continue reading "NZTech ESG Report 2024"


BlockchainNZ Submission on Banking Competition 2024

BlockchainNZ Submission to the Finance and Expenditure Committee Inquiry into Banking Competition BlockchainNZ is pleased to contribute to the Finance and Expenditure Committee’s inquiry into banking competition. As a community dedicated to advancing blockchain innovation in Aotearoa New Zealand, we represent a rapidly growing sector that is poised to transform financial services, technology, and the public … Continue reading "BlockchainNZ Submission on Banking Competition 2024"

Briefing Papers

New Zealand Government Technology Procurement

Member feedback survey 2024 Our recent survey, conducted as part of the 2024 Review of the Government Procurement Rules consultation by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), provides valuable insights into members’ experiences with New Zealand’s Government procurement process.  Respondents highlighted clear communication, structured processes, and collaborative engagement, with some praising timely feedback … Continue reading "New Zealand Government Technology Procurement"


The Draft Consumer and Product Data Bill

Submission by Digital Identity NZ to Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee Our Policy and Regulatory subcommittee has provided feedback on the Customer and Product Data Bill (CPD). We support the bill’s overall aim of enhancing data usage for societal and individual benefit, promoting innovation and ensuring secure data services.  However, our members have raised … Continue reading "The Draft Consumer and Product Data Bill"


Vocational Education and Training Reforms Consultation

Submission by NZTech to the Ministry of Education Our rapidly growing tech sector needs more skilled workers but training and vocational education pathways are lacking. Businesses in other sectors across the economy are also facing shortages of workers with digital skills. Government agencies, polytechnics and other providers must continue to work with industry to develop … Continue reading "Vocational Education and Training Reforms Consultation"


The Draft Consumer and Product Data Bill

Submission by NZTech to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee NZTech supports the bill’s overall aim of enhancing data usage for societal and individual benefit, promoting innovation and ensuring secure data services. However, to improve clarity we recommend several adjustments. Regulatory intervention should be focused, with governance remaining under existing laws. Requirements regarding storage … Continue reading "The Draft Consumer and Product Data Bill"

Other Industry Reports

The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2023

Our latest New Zealand Tech Key Metrics report highlights the continued growth of our tech sector, driving job creation and boosting valuable exports.  As Aotearoa New Zealand’s united voice for technology, we’re supercharging the growth and uptake of technology in service of a better tomorrow for all New Zealanders. Each year, we deliver an updated snapshot … Continue reading "The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2023"

Other Industry Reports

New research shows AI is boosting productivity with minimal job displacement

The AI Forum of New Zealand is proud to present its inaugural biannual snapshot of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption across Aotearoa New Zealand. The survey, conducted in partnership with Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and Callaghan Innovation, marks a significant milestone in understanding AI’s impact on workplaces throughout the country. “We’re excited to … Continue reading "New research shows AI is boosting productivity with minimal job displacement"


AgritechNZ’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan

Submission by AgritechNZ to the Ministry for the Environment AgriTech New Zealand (AgriTechNZ) thanks the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Second Emissions Reduction Plan for New Zealand, specifically for agriculture. The AgriTechNZ community is deeply committed to developing innovative technologies … Continue reading "AgritechNZ’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan"