Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Other Industry Reports

Tech for Emissions Reduction – A Framework for Aotearoa’s Climate Technology Roadmap

Gain insights into our greener future with Technology for Emissions Reduction – A Framework for Aotearoa’s Climate Technology Roadmap report.The report sheds light on the crucial role of tech in driving emissions reduction efforts and was launched by Hon Simon Watts, Minister of Climate Change at an event in Auckland.The aim of the report is … Continue reading "Tech for Emissions Reduction – A Framework for Aotearoa’s Climate Technology Roadmap"

Briefing Papers

NZTech Manifesto 2023

NZTech believes there are specific areas the Government should focus on to enable and grow Aotearoa as a Digital Nation. While not an exclusive list, these actions are aligned with the Digital Tech ITP and should be considered by any incoming Government. The manifesto outlines six key areas: • Education • Digital Inclusion • Sustainability … Continue reading "NZTech Manifesto 2023"

NZTech ESG report (1)
Annual Reports

NZTech ESG Report August 2023

NZTech is using the Future-Fit Business Benchmark as a tool to measure and improve the organisation and its impact on people and planet.  The 2023 report shows improvements from the baseline measurement year in 2022. Improvements have been possible due to the introduction of better policies and procedures. Two key recommendations to improve further are … Continue reading "NZTech ESG Report August 2023"


Informing the Strategic Direction of ERP2

NZTech welcomes the Commission’s acknowledgement that targeted investment in climate change within the research, science, innovation and technology system is required. We believe that a key means of meeting these goals is the development by Government, with industry support, of a Technology Roadmap. This recommendation forms the basis of our submission.

Annual Reports

NZTech ESG Report – August 2022

The NZTech Sustainability Sub-board has identified an international tool to help NZTech assess its climate impact. The Future-Fit Business Benchmark brings together a wealth of global research into a tool that enables businesses to assess and monitor not only their climate impact, but also their social impact. Using this online tool NZTech’s Board have assessed … Continue reading "NZTech ESG Report – August 2022"


NZTech Submission on the Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022

NZTech wishes to thank the Primary Production Committee for the opportunity to submit on the Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022. NZTech supports the Bill’s intent to make changes across several aspects of the fisheries management system, “to support a holistic, integrated approach to managing oceans and fisheries” and “to ensure commercial fishing is sustainable, productive and … Continue reading "NZTech Submission on the Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022"


An Emissions Reduction Technology Roadmap for Aotearoa

Learn how a Technology Roadmap will support innovation and guide collaboration across sectors and agencies. Speakers: Graeme Muller – CEO – NZTech Mark Thomas – Founder and CEO – Serviceworks Mitchell Pham – Chair – NZTech


Taking responsibility for our waste: Consultation document

NZTech thanks the Ministry for the Environment for the opportunity to submit on the Consultation Document. NZTech is happy to engage further with the committee to discuss our submission in detail and provide further assistance.


FinTechNZ Climate Disclosures Framework

FinTech NZ submission on Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 1: Climate-related Disclosures Governance and Risk Management consultation document FinTechNZ thanks the External Reporting Board (XRB) for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard 1: Climate-related Disclosures Governance and Risk Management consultation document.