Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Digital Nation Series

AI for the Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand

How can AI boost Aotearoa New Zealand’s biodiversity and help in the fight against climate change?  How can it support environmental sustainability? What is the current state of environmental AI in Aotearoa?  The AI Forum Te Kāhui Atamai Iahiko o Aotearoa’s new research report, AI for the Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand answers these questions and more.  … Continue reading "AI for the Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand"


An Emissions Reduction Technology Roadmap for Aotearoa

Learn how a Technology Roadmap will support innovation and guide collaboration across sectors and agencies. Speakers: Graeme Muller – CEO – NZTech Mark Thomas – Founder and CEO – Serviceworks Mitchell Pham – Chair – NZTech

Digital Nation Series

Aotearoa Open Finance and Digital Equity Report

The Path to Fairer Finance and a More Inclusive New Zealand  Every sector in our society touches finance at some point; the opportunity for fintech as an enabler is to create new revenue models within each sector. From enterprise to small business, through charity to individuals – the opportunities are vast.  This report considers how … Continue reading "Aotearoa Open Finance and Digital Equity Report"

Digital Nation Series

Aotearoa EdTech Excellence

Aotearoa EdTech Excellence: Transforming educational experience, digital innovation, and economic outcomes This report outlines our kaupapa, our history, the present state of play, and the opportunities. It makes recommendations for the government and the industry to ensure that we equip our citizens – young and old alike – for the ever more rapidly changing future. It … Continue reading "Aotearoa EdTech Excellence"


Immigration – Fit for the Future

NZTech wishes to thank the New Zealand Productivity Commission for the opportunity to submit on the Immigration – Fit for the Future (Preliminary findings and recommendations). NZTech is pleased that the Productivity Commission has recognised the significant economic and social contributions hat immigration has made to New Zealand, and the opportunity for it to make … Continue reading "Immigration – Fit for the Future"


AI Forum Submssion on the Data and Statistics Bill

The Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AI Forum) thanks the Governance and Administration Committee for the opportunity to submit on the Data and Statistics Bill. The AI Forum NZ would be happy to speak to the Select committee about our submission.


NZTech Submission on the Data and Statistics Bill

NZTech wishes to thank the Governance and Administration Committee for the opportunity to submit on the Data and Statistics Bill. We welcome the opportunity to speak to the Committee about our submission.


Taking responsibility for our waste: Consultation document

NZTech thanks the Ministry for the Environment for the opportunity to submit on the Consultation Document. NZTech is happy to engage further with the committee to discuss our submission in detail and provide further assistance.


Pae Ora (healthy Futures) Bill

BioTech New Zealand (BioTechNZ) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Health Reforms (Pae Ora) Bill