The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceAt the December 2016 meeting between the leading tech sector representative groups; NZTech, NZRise, ITP and the team from the Department of Internal Affairs GCIO office, the focus was on how to make 2017 a year with a more purposeful interaction. The tech bodies have been meeting with GCIO regularl
December 11, 2016
In the Canterbury region, 2016 has seen another successful year of growth in the highly-diverse and super-vibrant tech sector and is expected to continue next year. As New Zealand's second largest innovation hub, the region is already generating $2.5 billion of tech revenue, an impressive $700 mil
December 11, 2016
The NZ Hi-Tech Awards are in their 22nd year, recognising the best kiwi ICT, electronics, software, biotech, agritech and digital media. Winning the sought after accolade can take your business to the next level and the 2017 awards programme starts now. Before you enter, know what annoys the jud
December 11, 2016
Techweek’17, May 6 to 14 next year, will be the biggest week New Zealand has ever seen or experienced in technology. Techweek will help the push by NZTech for New Zealand become a digital nation and to demonstrate our tech pedigree to the world. More than 100 events will take place all over the
December 11, 2016
Hi Readers Last week, in Wellington, we attended NZTech’s end of year drinks and celebrated the launch of FLINT (Future Leaders in Technology). These young people were inspiring, energetic, keen to network and will ultimately be future leaders of New Zealand’s technology sector. I was impressed
December 11, 2016
Hi Readers Recently, I attended the IBM World of Watson Conference in Las Vegas. I was there to assess advances in cognitive computing (AI) and determine how we can better integrate such modernized technology into the New Zealand ecosystem. What struck me most revolved around the use of cognitive c
December 4, 2016
Rob Lee, managing director of IBM New Zealand, has stepped down from the NZTech board after six years’ service. Lee chaired the governance committee and was responsible for leading the board on a journey of constant improvement including the development and actioning of an excellent diversity pol
November 27, 2016
Hi Readers Next May, with the support of numerous passionate people from a variety of tech communities, government agencies and cities throughout New Zealand, NZTech will deliver Techweek'17. Techweek is a week-long celebration of tech and innovation. It is a national festival of hundreds of indepe
November 27, 2016
New Zealand’s skills in advanced spatial technology and geographic intelligence has underpinned much of the response to last week’s 7.8 earthquake, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. “When the earthquake hit the South Island last Monday morning, spatial experts across the tech sector
November 22, 2016