The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceMore than 100 secondary school girls have jumped at the opportunity to spend a day shadowing IT experts in Wellington at some of the Capital city’s well-known companies. For one day the girls will get to experience all aspects of ICT from programming to design and to see first-hand technolog
July 4, 2016
The government has made a great first step to introducing digital technology into the New Zealand curricula to cope with the demands of fast-approaching digital future, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. He supported the Government’s announcement today of an expansion of tech in schools
July 4, 2016
Parrot Analytics, a tiny hatchling of a company that’s built a global system for measuring demand for TV content, has secured the backing of two notable Hollywood execs. Joining the company’s board are Bruce Tuchman, former president of AMC Global and the Sundance Channel Global, and David Bi
June 30, 2016
New Zealand’s tech sector is taking off as innovation, global connectedness and bandwidth obviate the country’s small size and global isolation, outgoing NZTech chair Bennett Medary says. New Zealand has 29,000 tech firms with nearly 100,000 employees contributing $16.2 billion to gross domes
June 28, 2016
Watch this TVNZ ONE News item showcasing NZTech's Shadow Tech Day
June 27, 2016
Good clip from TVNZ about the New Zealand technology sector, following the release of NZTech's Digital Nation report. [embed width="560" height="315"]https://youtu.be/fCLBPE_Cl1Q[/embed]
June 27, 2016
Board nominations have closed and electronic voting is now open with 19 nominees vying for 4 available positions on the NZTech Board. "Not only have we had a tremendous response with a strong number of nominations, but the high calibre of nominees means we have a greater opportunity to promote the
June 24, 2016
The New Zealand healthcare sector spent $243 million on IT in 2015 and is forecast to grow to almost $300 million by 2019, according to IDC Health Insights, a global technology analyst firm. The NZTech Digital Nation report released today says emerging technologies present the biggest opportuniti
June 21, 2016
Reigniting rural productivity is critical for farmer profitability and New Zealand's global competitiveness, a benchmark technology study says. New Zealand’s reputation as a world-leading provider of agricultural technology solutions continues to grow and connectivity is the heart of technologi
June 21, 2016