The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe tech industry is New Zealand’s third largest export earner, and the fastest growing sector. New Zealand’s hosting and infrastructure services alone were worth $767m in 2013. As cloud migration escalates, it is vital that companies first understand their specific requirements. Decide which m
April 24, 2015
The Kiwis have cleaned up at the Vex Robotics World Championship, winning three of its top titles. The NASA-sponsored competition saw university and high school teams from 33 countries compete in a series of complex challenges. This year our students made winning look easy. Glenfield College t
April 23, 2015
With tech successes like Xero, Trade Me and Datacom coming out the capital, Wellington has recently been dubbed the High Tech Capital of New Zealand. But Wellington’s biggest rival in all things professional, musical, sporting, tech and otherwise – Auckland – is carving a niche for itself as a
April 10, 2015
Kiwi innovation Network works to support the commercialisation of science and technology from NZ Universities and Crown Research Institutes. There is one initiative coming up called the Mathematics for Industry NZ (MINZ) being held in June where NZ's leading academic mathematicians work together to
April 9, 2015
Planit Software Testing Group (“Planit”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a partnership with leading mid-market Private Equity firm Archer Growth to provide growth capital to expand the business into new geographies and service areas. About Planit Software Testing Established i
March 16, 2015
Wellington, New Zealand is trending as the World’s Coolest Little Capital, and its success is not simply due to a brilliant PR campaign. Wellington is one of the best places in the world to live, and if you’re working in the IT sector in particular, it might be time you considered a move to this
March 16, 2015
New Zealand really is awesome. We’re the first country in the world to see the sun, we don’t have any snakes and we live amongst the filming landscape for the Lord of Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit. While these are all great reasons to live here, the even better news for tech professionals is New
March 4, 2015
More than 40 volunteers spent the sunny Wellington weekend holed up in a central city office working on IT projects for four lucky charities. The so-called “hackathon”, is the third run by Charity-IT. Under the leadership of two of the Charity IT founders, Mel Bourke and Fairfax Westpac Woman o
March 2, 2015
The average Kiwi teacher is a woman in her early fifties. She's facing a generation of kids she wasn't trained to teach who have grown up with Wi-Fi, the cloud and hand-held technology. But a postgraduate digital course has more than 1000 teachers - many who completed their training before the inte
February 24, 2015