The NZTech Board acknowledges the benefits of an increasingly diverse workforce as an essential element in creating a prosperous New Zealand underpinned by technology. As NZTech and society evolves, the Board recognises the need for a more focused approach to diversity and inclusion (D&I).
Previously, NZTech’s diversity and inclusion has been limited to its Board composition and TechWomen, a special interest group delivering programmes focused on attracting and supporting females within the tech sector.
The D&I Sub Board’s mission is to integrate diversity and inclusion into NZTech and the Tech Alliance’s operational and decision making processes.
The purpose of NZTech’s D&I Sub Board is:
- to develop NZTech’s inclusiveness as an employer.
- to improve the inclusiveness of the New Zealand tech sector and ensure people of any gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion, cultural or political views are heard and valued.
Currently, the Sub Board’s focus includes;
- Internal education on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and exploration of Tikanga in Tech.
- Creating a survey for our members to benchmark their own D&I journey, in addition to providing aggregate sector data.
- Providing references to D&I resources on our website for our members.
We welcome contributions and feedback, so please contact us if you would like to be involved in this important work.
Board Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- This Board Diversity and Inclusion Policy (‘the Policy’) sets out the approach to diversity and inclusion adopted by the board of the Association (‘the Board’).
- The Policy applies to the Board. It does not apply to diversity and inclusion in relation to employees of the Association.
- The Board recognises and embraces the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive board and sees increasing diversity at board level and providing an inclusive board environment as an essential element in maintaining a competitive advantage and in making decisions that are representative of our stakeholders.
- We recognise that a truly diverse board will include and make good use of differences in the skills, regional and industry experience, background, race, gender, age, and other qualities of Directors. These differences should be considered in determining the optimum composition of the Board, and where possible, should be balanced appropriately. The Board recognises that all elected Board appointments are made by members and should be made on merit. Consideration should be given to the skills and experience the Board as a whole requires to best support the Association’s strategic direction and business plans.
- The Board also recognises that to get the best out of all members of the Board it is important to ensure that there is an inclusive environment. This will enable all board members to be fully empowered through feeling safe and welcome. In this way all can actively contribute fully in their board role while feeling comfortable and confident to be their authentic self.
- The Board has established procedures to ensure balance and diversity is appropriately monitored. These processes will assist to identify any gaps in skills and experience at the Board level. As vacancies on the Board arise, members are encouraged to vote for Board candidates with an awareness of what skills and experience their Board would most benefit from.
- Responsibility for the implementation of the Policy sits with the Governance Sub Board (“the Sub Board”). The Sub Board will review and assess Board composition and provide recommendations on the skills and experience that might be best added to achieve a diverse and balanced Board.
- In reviewing Board composition, the Sub Board will consider the benefits of all aspects of diversity including, but not limited to, those described above, in order to maintain an appropriate balance of skills, experience and background on the Board.
- In the event that a Board vacancy arises mid-term the Sub Board will attempt to identify appropriate people to fill the available Board seats by taking into account the aims of this Policy.
- In identifying suitable representatives for appointment to the Board, the Sub Board will consider candidates on merit against objective criteria and with due regard for the benefits of diversity on the Board.
- The Board shall ensure that where a vote is required by:
- the members of the Association,
- the members of a Community;
the recommendations of the Sub Board in relation to skills and experience are known to members. In selecting between nominees of Communities the Board will take into the objectives of this Policy.
- The Sub Board at any given time may review the Board composition and make recommendations to the Board to improve one or more aspects of its diversity.
- The Constitution currently allows for one independent seat, which can be filled by direct invitation by the Board. Any such appointment will be reviewed annually with the express purpose of helping to achieve the objectives of this Policy. The Board also has the option of appointing an intern by invitation, and the objectives of this Policy will be taken in to account when making this appointment.
- The Sub Board will also ensure processes are in place to educate and support the various Executive Councils in the NZTech Group to integrate the Policy as appropriate.
- The NZTech Diversity and Inclusion Sub Board (“the D&I Sub Board”) will undertake a full review of the Policy during 2022 to ensure that both diversity and inclusion are covered within the Policy appropriately.
- The Sub Board will review the Policy annually, including an assessment of the effectiveness of the Policy. The Sub Board will discuss any revisions that may be required and recommend any such revisions to the Board for approval.
Policy Sponsor: Governance Sub Board Chair
Date approved: May 2022
Approved by: NZTech Board
Date last reviewed: May 2022
Date last revised: May 2022
Responsibility for document management: New Zealand Technology Industry Association Secretariat