We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.
It is our strongly held belief that the prosperity of New Zealand is inextricably linked to how we embrace our future as a digital nation. This manifesto is a collaboration by leading associations and professional bodies in New Zealand’s technology sector to make a meaningful contribution to the agenda of political parties. As we approach …
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May 2017
Insights from the NZTech Advance Government & Technology Summit. Data is increasing exponentially and advances in big data and analytics creates immense opportunities for governments. Technology is now truly at the heart of improving productivity of government services. Briefing paper prepared by NZTech.
March 2017
#Government Technology
Reports suggest there is a global skills shortage of cyber security professionals, as government and corporations struggle to keep up with the large growth in cyber threats. This paper explores the cyber skills challenge and insights from the NZTech Leaders Forum. Paper prepared by NZTech.
November 2016
#Cyber Security
This briefing paper based on tech leader discussions at the Education Technology summit looks at the challenges and opportunities that formally integrating digital technology into the New Zealand curriculum may bring. This briefing paper is a collaboration between NZTech and Conferenz.
August 2016
#Skills, Talent & Work
Understand how we are creating a coordinated voice for New Zealand’s tech ecosystem. Report prepared by: NZTech
July 2016
#NZTech Activities
With the rapidly changing pace of technology, most people are unaware of the exponential impact many technologies are having throughout society. As the voice of the technology sector, NZTech set about finding out just how important technology is to the New Zealand economy. Report prepared by: NZTech
June 2016
Transforming government services will lead to better outcomes for all New Zealanders, especially those in most need and technology is central to this. Read insights and recommendations from the NZTech Advance Government Technology Summit on transforming government technology. Paper prepared by NZTech.
April 2016
#Government Technology
Creating cyber security, resilience and readiness. Insights and recommendations from the 2015 NZTech Advance Security Summit. Paper prepared by NZTech.
December 2015
#Cyber Security
A summary of the skills and talent development initiatives available within the NZ technology sector ecosystem to support women in tech. Paper prepared by NZTech.
July 2015
#Skills, Talent & Work