Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Other Industry Reports

New research shows AI is boosting productivity with minimal job displacement

The AI Forum of New Zealand is proud to present its inaugural biannual snapshot of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption across Aotearoa New Zealand. The survey, conducted in partnership with Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and Callaghan Innovation, marks a significant milestone in understanding AI’s impact on workplaces throughout the country. “We’re excited to … Continue reading "New research shows AI is boosting productivity with minimal job displacement"


AgritechNZ’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan

Submission by AgritechNZ to the Ministry for the Environment AgriTech New Zealand (AgriTechNZ) thanks the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Second Emissions Reduction Plan for New Zealand, specifically for agriculture. The AgriTechNZ community is deeply committed to developing innovative technologies … Continue reading "AgritechNZ’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan"


NZTech’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan

Submission by NZTech to the Ministry for the Environment The direction for industry to invest in low emissions where it can add value, and the Government’s focus on removing regulatory barriers and encouraging private investment is positive. However, despite referring to being “technologically-led”, the Emissions Plan significantly understates the role technology can play in delivering … Continue reading "NZTech’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan"

Annual Reports

Annual report 2024

We want to start by saying a big thank you. The support, engagement, and advocacy of our members is the driving force behind our work, which accelerates the growth and uptake of tech across Aotearoa New Zealand. Together, we’re not just advancing technology; we’re building a better tomorrow for all New Zealanders. We’re excited to … Continue reading "Annual report 2024"


The Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand

Submission by NZTech to Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa NZTech welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand consultation process. We recognise the need to revise the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). As the Discussion Document notes, the labour market and economy have changed dramatically … Continue reading "The Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand"

Other Industry Reports

Navigating our creative future

Earlier this year, Wellington was the epicentre of a global conversation about AI in the creative industries. The two day conference delved into the transformative role of AI in creativity and here are the highlights: Exploring cutting-edge technology Wētā FX’s Kimball Thurston showcased machine learning’s advancements in visual effects and how the Wellington company is … Continue reading "Navigating our creative future"

Other Industry Reports

AI Blueprint for Aotearoa New Zealand

The AI Forum of New Zealand’s AI (Artificial Intelligence) Blueprint for Aotearoa New Zealandis intended to align with the New Zealand Government’s AI Principles and Roadmap,currently under construction, and Callaghan Innovation’s work to encourage and support theadoption of AI in Aotearoa. This paper presents a strategy to highlight current industry investments in AI in Aotearoa … Continue reading "AI Blueprint for Aotearoa New Zealand"

Other Industry Reports

2024 Agritech Māori Sector Overview

Commissioned by AgriTech New Zealand and prepared by Tuia Group, this report captures baseline data of Māori in the agritech ecosystem.