Tech for Emissions Reduction – A Framework for Aotearoa’s Climate Technology Roadmap

Gain insights into our greener future with Technology for Emissions Reduction – A Framework for Aotearoa’s Climate Technology Roadmap report. The report sheds light on the crucial role of tech in driving emissions reduction efforts and was launched by Hon Simon Watts, Minister of Climate Change at an event in Auckland. The aim of the … Continue reading "Tech for Emissions Reduction – A Framework for Aotearoa’s Climate Technology Roadmap"

Incoming Minister Briefing

Working together to help create a safer, more equitable, sustainable and prosperous Aotearoa New Zealand underpinned by good technology. This NZTech briefing paper for incoming Ministers provides a high-level aggregation of the various interactions the NZTech Group currently has across Government and highlights recommendations for action in the immediate and midterm.

NZTech Annual Report 2023

Learn more about NZTech and how it supports the Aotearoa New Zealand tech ecosystem. Prepared by: NZTech – 16 August 2023

Draft Fisheries Industry Transformation Plan

NZTech support’s the Draft ITP’s goals of strengthening environmental performance, improving profitability and productivity, and supporting people and communities. Tech is vital to achieving these goals, and in particular ensuring that the fishing industry remains sustainable. Increasing use of tech and the industry’s constant drive for innovation highlights the need to focus on data standards … Continue reading "Draft Fisheries Industry Transformation Plan"

NZTech Submission | Privacy Regulation of Biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand: Consultation Paper

NZTech wishes to thank the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) for the opportunity to submit on the Privacy regulation of biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand: Consultation paper. The use of biometrics can greatly benefit organisations and individuals, providing greater convenience, efficiency and security. NZTech agrees with the need to protect people’s biometric information and … Continue reading "NZTech Submission | Privacy Regulation of Biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand: Consultation Paper"

NZTech ESG Report – August 2022

The NZTech Sustainability Sub-board has identified an international tool to help NZTech assess its climate impact. The Future-Fit Business Benchmark brings together a wealth of global research into a tool that enables businesses to assess and monitor not only their climate impact, but also their social impact. Using this online tool NZTech’s Board have assessed … Continue reading "NZTech ESG Report – August 2022"

NZTech Annual Report 2022

Learn more about how NZTech supports the New Zealand tech ecosystem. Prepared by: NZTech – 10 August 2022

Creating collective impact

Discover NZTech’s origin story and its rise as a collective impact platform in The Evolution of NZTech report. The potential impact of technology is so broad it touches all parts of New Zealand’s economy and society.  Technology underpins the safety, security, health, environmental and economic wellbeing of all citizens.  As a result, it is critical for the … Continue reading "Creating collective impact"