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Modernising Gene Technology Laws in New Zealand

BioTech New Zealand has submitted its recommendations to the Health Committee on the Gene Technology Bill.

BioTech New Zealand is fully supportive of the purpose and objectives of the bill as this is a critical step forward in the regulation of gene technology in New Zealand. It is an opportunity to modernise its approach to biotechnology and embrace a framework that aligns with international best practices and foster innovation.

Key Points in the Submission

  • Once released, aspects of the Bill may need revisiting and this must remain an option.
  • A framework that ensures opportunities for innovation while maintaining health and safety is needed. There needs to be flexibility of these changes in regulations.
  • Ensure a properly staffed, independent regulator with realistic cost recovery that does not stifle innovation.
  • Restrictive provisions on the import and use of synthetic nucleic acids should be removed from the Bill.

Next Steps

Create a regulatory framework that ensures New Zealand farmers, health practitioners, researchers, and the broader public have access to all the tools and products needed to support New Zealand’s wellbeing and prosperity.