The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceNZTech’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan
Submission by NZTech to the Ministry for the Environment
The direction for industry to invest in low emissions where it can add value, and the Government’s focus on removing regulatory barriers and encouraging private investment is positive.
However, despite referring to being “technologically-led”, the Emissions Plan significantly understates the role technology can play in delivering more cost-effective emissions reduction.
Throughout this submission we refer to the Framework for a Climate Technology Roadmap report (April 2024). This report and the supporting research shows that technology is pivotal in addressing the pressing global challenge of climate change. Analysis
highlighted in the Report stated that up to 42 percent of New Zealand’s 2030 emissions budget targets could be met by actions enabled by digital technology. Yet the Emissions Reduction Plan excludes many of these opportunities, which we detail in this submission.