Most New Zealanders are ambivalent about artificial intelligence and its impact on the future, but new research has found 68 percent of respondents in a national survey were concerned about the potential for AI to make biased, unfair or inaccurate decisions. Details of the survey have been released today in the Artificial Intelligence Forum on …
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02 May 2018
The arrival of artificial intelligence into businesses and society are not likely to produce anywhere near the number of job losses most people think, a new AI research report says. Instead, AI may help address potential labour shortages and solve looming demographic challenges. The Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AIFNZ) research report released last …
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02 May 2018
AI is being increasingly used to make lives easier and more productive. The potential of AI can be found across every facet of society, including business, entertainment, finance, health, manufacturing and more, he says.
02 May 2018
Artificial intelligence (AI) will transform lives of New Zealanders just like the arrival of electricity 130 years ago, according to a landmark new research report released today. The report says AI has the potential to increase New Zealand’s gross domestic product by up to $53 billion by 2035 across 18 industries.
02 May 2018
Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to deliver economic growth and productivity improvements but will impact some people’s jobs according to new research that is being pulled together for a leading national report to be released on May 2.
12 April 2018
The ethics of artificial intelligence will be critical to the success of AI going forward, a Microsoft leader and a keynote speaker at the AI Day event in Auckland next week says. Steve Guggenheimer, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s AI Business, says that given AI has the potential to reshape not just industries and governments, …
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20 March 2018
The world’s tech experts are on the verge of seeing a major shift in relationships between people and machines, according to a key speaker heading to AI Day in Auckland on March 28. IBM Distinguished Designer Adam Cutler says what interests him the most is the connection between people and machines.
19 March 2018
Digital transformation, including automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to impact many current jobs and the income of many New Zealanders, a high-powered national tech leaders group says. It is predicted that artificial intelligence and automation alone, will quickly change both the number of jobs and types of available employment.
18 March 2018
A New Zealand company has created a world-first artificial intelligence (AI) medical platform for medical researchers and clinicians to create AI to auto-diagnose a large range of diseases based on a single photograph. Dunedin company oDocs, which created the system for Medicmind, says the AI system is working well and is ready for beta testing. …
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18 March 2018