Most Kiwi companies do not record being hacked FintechNZ says, despite Cert NZ’s latest report showing almost 1000 New Zealanders reported hacking issues in the last quarter.
12 July 2019
Facebook’s Libra currency will put New Zealand on the verge of a cataclysmic change in the way Kiwis think about financial services, FintechNZ general manager James Brown says.
26 June 2019
New Zealand can take lessons from Baltimore in the United States which until a few days ago, was offline following a ransomware cyberattack for more than a week, FintechNZ general manager James Brown says.
21 May 2019
New Zealand can take lessons from Baltimore in the United States which until a few days ago, was offline following a ransomware cyberattack for more than a week, FintechNZ general manager James Brown says.
21 May 2019
Barely six percent of business and companies in New Zealand have adequate cyber protection which means they are not prepared for cyber-attacks, FintechNZ general manager James Brown says.
15 May 2019
Auckland – New Zealand should change its financial tech systems to drive the Kiwi economy or the country may miss out on sweeping changes, FintechNZ general manager James Brown says.
08 May 2019
Any day now the Royal Commission will release its initial findings into its first ever review of the integrity systems of New Zealand’s financial system. The review covers New Zealand’s financial institutions along with industry bodies, regulators, dispute resolution schemes and the payments and settlement system. FintechNZ general manager James Brown says the report will …
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01 October 2018
Auckland – Amazon dipping its toes into the insurance market in India may likely have ripples effects for New Zealand, which is seen as a test bed for large organisations looking to try something new.
20 September 2018
The potential for New Zealand tech exports will be huge when direct free trade post-Brexit opens with the United Kingdom, a leading fintech expert says. James Brown, general manager of FintechNZ says it’s so encouraging to see the government working proactively to set up free trade with the UK post-Brexit. “The UK is a very …
Continue reading "Potential to NZ fintech exports huge"
19 July 2018