The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceDAY 1: CHRISTCHURCH
Wow! What a fantastic turn-out in Canterbury last night.
FinTech is obviously important to the ‘mainland’. 🙂
We were very fortunate to deliver our first launch presentation to a highly engaged audience, as Cantabrians usually are once they get to know you in person, and have seen you around a few times. We received some really good searching questions, and some very insightful input during the Q&A / Open Feedback part of the programme. As a result, I am already updating a few things in my presentation this morning for Wellington this evening.
A huge thank from the NZTech and FinTechNZ teams to our sponsor Augen Software Group and our partners Canterbury Technology Cluster (CanterburyTech), Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce (CECC), and Canterbury Development Corporation, for your support, assistance and of course your world-famous Southern hospitality. The tech and business sector in Canterbury is highly connected. We would not have been able to deliver our launch in Christchurch without your participation and local leadership.
By the way, congratulations to CanterburyTech for your new Committee, and new Chair David Carter. David is both a friend in Christchurch and a likeminded tech entrepreneur in my business network, so NZTech and CanterburyTech will be getting along even more famously. 🙂
Thanks to our NZTech CEO Graeme Muller, Board member as well as FinTechNZ Core Working Group member Paul Deavoll from Spark New Zealand, for being there to tag-team deliver and ‘field’ the session with me. I am looking forward to doing the same with the rest of the NZTech and FinTechNZ team later today in Wellington and tomorrow in Auckland.
Earlier in the day, I also responded to financial media interest from Australia. It’s encouraging to see the level of interest in Kiwi FinTech news from across the Tasman sea, and to hear that the Australian FinTech community has been growing rapidly and looking forward to engaging more with New Zealand through our new national body – FinTechNZ.
Tonight’s launch presentation in Wellington is a special one, when we have our Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs as well as Minister of Small Business – Jacqui Dean – as our Guest of Honour, who will explain why the NZ Government was one of the very first Founding Members of FinTechNZ, and what role the government sees for itself in helping grow FinTech in/for/from New Zealand.
The venue is cool but space is finite at New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX), 11 Cable Street, Wellington Central, so register now if you don’t want to miss out. Go to: https://nztech.org.nz/event/fintechnz-launch-2/.
Tomorrow night in Auckland, we have a very cool Guest Speaker – Leigh Flounders, CEO of LatiPay. Leigh will share the FinTech company’s journey from start-up to international success in a very short time. It’s an awesome story that is still just unfolding for everyone involved.
Due to rapidly exceeding registration numbers, we have had to change the Auckland venue to Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED), right on the waterfront with amazing view of the harbour, at 139 Quay Street, Auckland Central. Again, space is finite, so if you don’t want to miss out, register now at: https://nztech.org.nz/event/fintechnz-launch-auckland/.
Mitchell Pham
NZTech Chair
FinTechNZ Chair
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