The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora Readers
Welcome to 2018! I know, it’s February already, but it was lovely to a have a break during summer.
Last week, I was away for a couple of days, to speak at the global launch of a Kiwi tech firm, Ecosystm, based in Singapore. Their plan is to democratise data across the global tech research market. On Friday evening, we entertained 50 people at the High Commission to pitch Techweek and encourage Singaporean entrepreneurs and tech investors to visit during May. Based on the questions I fielded, our reputation as a hi-tech nation continues to strengthen, which is great news.
On the home front, the rapid progress that Minister Curran and the Government team have been making with the search for our first New Zealand CTO is encouraging. It was pleasing to see (via a tweet from Rod Drury) that critical stakeholders are being involved in the process. An appointment will be announced, during the Minister’s opening speech, at the Digital Nation Summit later this month.
I look forward to catching up with you this month at our NZTech Connect Events in Wellington on 14 February or Auckland on 27 February. I will be discussing plans for the year ahead, including the Digital Nations Summit, AI-Day and Techweek’18. Plus, more on the findings of the recently published Digital Skills for a Digital Nation.
Enjoy the short week.
Graeme Muller
Join Canterbury Tech on 13 February for three talks on managing culture and growth. The NZSA hosts Wine-searcher’s Ross Brown in Auckland on 13 February.
Celebrate International Women’s Day with TechWomen. Join us for lunch on 8 March, as we showcase local diversity success stories in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
Attend FinTechNZ Connect Events in Wellington 8 February, Christchurch 13 February and Auckland 21 February. The series focuses on financial innovation and InsurTech.
Meet Google’s AI expert on 21 February in Wellington. Then register to attend AI-Day 2018 for more on how the new tech frontier is changing the world.
Join Callaghan Innovation on a delegation to the Internet of Manufacturing Conference in Chicago in June. A great opportunity to learn more about industrial IoT.
Be part of the New Zealand Space Challenge. The challenge seeks innovative solutions to solve today’s problems in Antarctica, which can be translated for future space missions.
Nominations are being accepted for the 2018 Hi-Tech Awards. Nominating is easy and helps those who may not have considered entering!
Read how our newly appointed Executive Director, Edwina Mistry is on a mission to create more opportunities for women in tech. Plus, can New Zealand become the digital Estonia of the Pacific?
The Wellington ICT Graduate School is seeking a director to lead its team to the next level. For further information please email Professor Mike Wilson.
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