The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceAs winter rolls into spring and the country rolls out of lockdown, it’s time to give thought to what role your organisation can play in furthering our industry.
Our transition from SIBA to LocationTech is well underway and with it comes a renewed sense of purpose. There is a palpable sense of achievement, but also a sense that this is the beginning of something special. Being part of the wider Tech Alliance has immediately opened doors with friends in other tech communities. We are also looking forward to working together with the likes of the IoT Alliance, AgriTechNZ, the AI Forum and more.
Following our last newsletter, Anna Eilers from Harrison Grierson offered her experience and we have welcomed her to the executive committee. We look forward to her valuable input in the coming months.
LocationTech is run by volunteers who donate their time, because for them, Location is more than a job, it’s a passion. However, busy work and personal lives mean time is limited and the administrative, marketing, website management and general support provided by NZTech means we can focus on the future of Location. Thanks to Laura, Andrea, Jackie and the team who have made the transition from SIBA to LocationTech painless and who continue to provide such invaluable support.
Finally, I take great pleasure in being appointed as Deputy Chairperson of LocationTech.
Looking ahead to next month, we hope you will take the opportunity to celebrate GIS Day 2020. It’s a great opportunity for every organisation in New Zealand to talk about and demonstrate the power of location. Learn more about how you can participate in this year’s celebrations.
Ngā mihi
Chris Morris
Deputy Chairperson
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