The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceOn Thursday I facilitated our NZTech Connect event, Bridging the participation gap of Māori in Aotearoa’s tech sector. We heard about the impressive work that Spark has been undertaking from their head of People and Culture Heather Polglase. Special thanks also to Te Matarau The Māori Tech Association CEO Lee Timutimu, Spark Kaupapa Māori Lead Rhonda Koroheke and Te Pūkenga DCE Academic Centre and Learning Systems Megan Gibbons for a vibrant discussion.
Our latest edition of Digital Skills Aotearoa shows there is an increased participation gap, with Māori accounting for 4.8% of the tech workforce. Further research, Te Au Hangarau: The Wave of Technology examined the factors influencing participation and success. The report also identified the need for improved access, especially educational opportunities and improved cultural competency for employers. It also identified that a sense of belonging and community is critical in bridging the participation gap.
Our discussion reimagined a tech sector where Māori feel a deeper sense of belonging and desire to participate. We also explored the key enablers to foster this, including enhancing Māori leadership and profile, creating culturally safe and literate workplaces, and providing culturally anchored support networks in tech firms.
In other news, Summer of Tech has a record number of over 2,000 students and graduates seeking digital internships. Skills include web and software, security, mechanical engineering, digital design, UX and marketing, data, cloud, content creation and more. Attend one of their meet and greet events and connect with the candidates.My week begins with AgriTechNZ’s Brendan O’Connell and Dennis Hu, President of the Foundation for Commerce and Culture Interchange (FCCI) from Taiwan who is in New Zealand scoping agritech opportunities.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Read full news here: NZTech Inform: Bridging the gap