The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia ora,
Planning is well underway for our first major events in 2024, including the FinTechNZ Hui Taumata – thriving together on 27 February in Auckland. From advancing financial inclusion to fostering sustainable investment practices, fintech for good is a central theme of the hui. The programme is exploring ways fintech is contributing to meaningful change and has an excellent lineup of speakers. View the agenda here.
In March, join us for the 10th annual Cyber Security Summit in Wellington. Don’t forget to secure our $599 November special offer now. Our anniversary summit combines policy, process, protection and people. This is the event to attend for the latest updates on cyber policy, shared experiences, learnings and reconnecting with peers. Also in March, we’re hosting BioTechNZ’s second annual Life Sciences Summit in Wellington. Learn more about the experts scheduled to speak and the programme highlights, including a welcome event and tour for international guests.
It’s also time to save the date for Techweek24, 20-26 May, 2024. I’m currently meeting with members and sharing sponsorship opportunities. If you’d like to know more about partnering with us, inspiring the next generation into tech, building New Zealand’s tech capabilities and showcasing our best tech, please contact us.
Tomorrow, I’m attending a workshop on Web3 and the impact of debanking. This session is a follow up to the Debanking and its Implications for Aotearoa New Zealand’s Web3 Ecosystem report recently published by Callaghan.
This week’s highlight is presenting to the Australiasian CPA members in Fiji about the opportunities AI presents for their sector. So much focus on AI has been about job losses or other issues, like bias.
I am encouraged that there is growing interest in how to leverage AI for productivity gain and to augment people’s work, removing the mundane so more time can be spent on higher value work like advisory services.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Read full news here: 2024 unveiled – Save the dates!