Industry News

Considering a fintech career?

We asked Wise’s Chief Technology Officer, Harsh Sinha to share his advice on fintech careers and startup life. Here’s what he had to say:
Industry News

Financial Literacy Program Cracks Top 100

MoneyTime, the financial literacy program for 10-14 year olds, has been announced as one of the top 100 education innovations globally for 2022 by HundrED, a Helsinki based organisation that seeks and shares inspiring innovations from around the world in K12 education. 
Industry News

Ensuring the sustainable growth and maturity of our industry

BlockchainNZ recognises that recent events affecting a number of offshore cryptocurrency-related businesses are leading to our members in Aotearoa New Zealand facing many questions regarding their own business models, practices and ethics. Some members may also be (or have been) customers of these offshore businesses.
Industry News

AI Forum Fireside chat

Megan Tapsell, our Chair, sat down for a chat with Stephen Ponsford, Chief Exec and Evan Wilson, Head of Data Innovation, from Qrious.