Industry News

BlockchainNZ – Seeking Nominations For Our Executive Council 2023

We are pleased to invite you to nominate yourself or another individual for BlockchainNZ’s Executive Council.  The purpose of BlockchainNZ is to support the growth of a sustainable blockchain ecosystem in New Zealand and advocate for blockchain technology in the public and private sectors. To achieve this purpose BlockchainNZ collaborates with others to:  Help connect the blockchain ecosystem. Promote the importance … Continue reading "BlockchainNZ – Seeking Nominations For Our Executive Council 2023"
Industry News

AI Transforms Flood Management: Enhancing Resilience to the Climate Crisis

Severe weather events, including frequent and devastating flooding, have posed significant challenges for communities around the world. In New Zealand, the recent impact of Cyclone Gabrielle has spurred the search for innovative solutions to manage flood risks. One such solution is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into flood management systems.
Industry News

Introducing a campaign to attract international tech talent to New Zealand

The world is experiencing a global talent shortage and New Zealand is not immune. To help address this issue within the tech sector, the See Tomorrow First initiative is leveraging New Zealand Story’s new Recruitment Storyteller marketing toolkit and working alongside Haines Attract to create a centralised tech talent application portal, and an international marketing campaign to attract skilled … Continue reading "Introducing a campaign to attract international tech talent to New Zealand"
Industry News

Qippay partners with BNZ

Congratulations to FinTechNZ member Qippay on their milestone partnership with BNZ! The newly announced partnership enables Qippay to offer affordable payment solutions to Kiwi organisations. Importantly, it also supports the development of open banking in Aotearoa New Zealand and helps address challenges associated with payments. Open banking aims to transform the financial sector by giving … Continue reading "Qippay partners with BNZ"
Industry News

Enroller | Co- Founders Michael Barry (CEO) and Andrew Harris (CPO) | Where international education connects and grows.

Enroller  connects schools to education agents and families, streamlining the customer journey from discovery to arrival on campus and everything in-between; opening up the world of education opportunities for school-aged learners. ‘’Andy Harris and I believe that international education can transform the lives of our next generation and transform the world as a result,” says … Continue reading "Enroller | Co- Founders Michael Barry (CEO) and Andrew Harris (CPO) | Where international education connects and grows."