Industry News

Stay safe from cyber attacks

We all do it – ignore those pesky red dots and update messages; not quite get around to changing our password; forget to check we’re not sharing our personal information with every Dom, Jack and Hēmi on social media.
Industry News

Engage in the Korean tech sector

The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Korea (The Kiwi Chamber) is currently seeking expressions of interest from New Zealand tech companies who may like to be involved in their upcoming roadshow in November.  The Kiwi Chamber has been running a programme over several years to connect the world class technology ecosystems of New Zealand … Continue reading "Engage in the Korean tech sector"
Industry News

Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand #weeknotes (25)

If the lifeblood of the digital economy is data, its heart is digital trust. Trust, as we understand it from our research, is about whether people are comfortable in a situation where they are vulnerable to the consequences of someone else’s actions.
Industry News

Celebrate World GIS Day 2020

Next month’s international GIS Day is an opportunity for every organisation in New Zealand to demonstrate the power of location to everyone!
Industry News

Election 2020 – Nurturing Tech Talent

NZTech welcomes plans to nurture New Zealand’s tech talent, as announced by the National Party on 22 September. NZTech CEO Graeme Muller spoke on RNZ’s Midday Show to discuss what these plans could mean for New Zealand.  Listen here. Graeme also discussed this further on NewstalkZB’s Mike Hosking Breakfast. Listen here. If elected to Government, the … Continue reading "Election 2020 – Nurturing Tech Talent"