Industry News

Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand #weeknotes (6)

When the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand formed in February we were tasked with advising government Ministers on different options for tackling the medium to long term technology and data issues facing the country.
Industry News

Our Mission: Leave No One Behind #weeknotes (4)

When I accepted the position as chair of the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand, I had a simple mission in mind — to leave no one behind as New Zealand gears up to get the very best from digital technologies and data.
Industry News

Three-year roadmap and 12-month work programme finalised #weeknotes (3)

This month we finalised our three-year roadmap and 12-month work programme with Ministers Hon. Kris Faafoi, in his role as Minister of Government Digital Services, and the Hon. James Shaw, in his role as Minister of Statistics, agreeing the themes of our advice to the government.
Industry News

Diversity as strength – 7 people, 1 council

My own background spans 12 years growing up in Vietnam, two years in refugee camps in Indonesia and coming to New Zealand as a teenager. Next came tertiary education and involvement in the entrepreneurial world of software innovation (across many industries), building tech businesses, taking them offshore and leading business, industry and community organisations and advising government.
Industry News

New Zealand must champion digital inclusion #weeknotes (2)

In keeping with the #weeknotes approach, we want to be transparent about our work. Plus, we are looking for input from people from all walks of life to inform our advice to the New Zealand Government on harnessing the potential of digital and data to make Aotearoa New Zealand a great place for all.
Industry News

New Zealand’s future is happening right now

If we have learned anything from Covid-19 so far, we have learned the importance of having access to the best possible evidence and advice so our leaders can act quickly and with the interests of all New Zealanders in mind