The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
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Media Releases
The covid pandemic cannot stop the substantial growth in New Zealand tech investments.
16 November 2021
Media Releases
Stark divide in AI use and risk of Kiwi organisations being left behind
The State of Artificial Intelligence in New Zealand Report
20 October 2021
Media Releases
Tech, the journey map to top jobs and climate help
New Zealand’s economic future must rest with sustainable high value tech jobs producing goods and services with a much reduced carbon footprint.
12 October 2021
Media Releases
Demand for Kiwi innovation growing, but border stifling full potential
The ongoing border restrictions are forcing NZ’s high growth companies to employ teams of people outside of NZ to meet customer demand.
08 October 2021
Media Releases
Unwanted laptops needed during lockdown
As the covid pandemic continues, leading national tech non-government organisation NZTech, has put a call out to New Zealanders and remind them that not everyone has access to devices to keep working or learning during lockdown
16 September 2021
Media Releases
NZ not responding fast enough to digital tech
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of digital technologies, Graeme Muller, the NZTech chief executive says.
06 September 2021
Media Releases
NZ tech industry in pain and economy hurting without staff
NZTech members, including many of New Zealand’s biggest companies, say that their economic growth has stalled due to immigration issues.
16 August 2021
Media Releases
The NZ tech sector soaring since covid
New Zealand desperately needs more digitisation to engage with the rest of the world’s rapidly growing digital economies, NZTech chair Mitchell Pham says in his report to the annual meeting in Auckland on Thursday.
10 August 2021
Media Releases
Govt ignoring NZ’s deepening tech skills crisis
NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says the government has the solution to solve the problem by allowing essential tech workers into the country.
05 August 2021