Media Releases

The rush is on to use ChatGPT – but what could it mean for our jobs?

AI Forum executive director Madeline Newman joined Frances Valentine, founder of AcademyEX – which runs The Mind Lab and Tech futures Lab, for a chat about ChatGPT and what it could mean for our jobs with Kathryn Ryan on RNZ’s Nine To Noon programme.
Media Releases

BlockchainNZ Pod E14 with Paul Salisbury on Crypto Estate Planning

Paul Salisbury has been around the crypto scene in New Zealand for over a decade. He’s been a founding member of BlockchainNZ and BlockchainLabs, and now has a new venture into crypto estate planning with Everlasting to help folks manage their crypto because one day you’re not going to be around to sign a message … Continue reading "BlockchainNZ Pod E14 with Paul Salisbury on Crypto Estate Planning"
Media Releases

Water, water everywhere now is the time for technology

Te Whanganui-a-Tara – Aotearoa will cope more efficiently with torrential weather such as record rainfall if it embraces technology faster, the NZ IoT Alliance executive director Alison Mackie says. Much of New Zealand has seen record rainfall this year as mother nature makes herself known. But Mackie is an advocate for technology which can be a … Continue reading "Water, water everywhere now is the time for technology"
Media Releases

FinTechNZ Executive Director on BNZ’s Fintech Speaker Series

FinTechNZ Executive Director Jason Roberts recently featured on BNZ’s Fintech Speaker Series where he chatted with Sorel Carr, Head of Fintech Business at BNZ, about the current Fintech scene in New Zealand, how we stack up on the global stage and where the innovation is.
Media Releases

Water Services Legislation Bill

NZ IoT Alliance thanks the Finance and Expenditure Committee for the opportunity to submit on the Water Services Legislation Bill. This submission is in response to section 389 and the power for the Chief Executive to authorise persons to read water meters, and to bring forth consideration to emerging technology and the implementation of a … Continue reading "Water Services Legislation Bill"