
NZTech Inform – ensuring digital trust

NZTech is hosting its annual Cyber Security Summit on the 25-26 July in Wellington, in collaboration with Brightstar events. As our lives and work become more reliant on the digital environment so does the need for our ability to trust the digital environment.

NZTech Inform: digital trust and our economic future

Last week, it was wonderful to catch up with members at our first in-person NZTech event for some time. While online meetings will continue to be useful, conversations and connections in real life remain unsurpassed.  It was an excellent event with an engaging update from Kaye-Maree Dunn about the research underway mapping the Māori Tech Ecosystem. Duane Grace then discussed … Continue reading "NZTech Inform: digital trust and our economic future"
Media Releases

Seeking NZTech Board Nominations 2022

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming soon and that means election season is now upon us! NZTech is the voice of the organisations that are redefining the world we live in. NZTech’s mission is to support a values-led, nationally connected tech community that is collectively lifting equity, sustainability and prosperity for all in Aotearoa, … Continue reading "Seeking NZTech Board Nominations 2022"

NZTech Inform – skills pathways and R&D

This week, I am looking forward to hosting our first physical NZTech member event in quite some time! Meeting in person is always a great way to connect, share and network.