Media Releases

Seeking NZTech Board Nominations 2022

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming soon and that means election season is now upon us! NZTech is the voice of the organisations that are redefining the world we live in. NZTech’s mission is to support a values-led, nationally connected tech community that is collectively lifting equity, sustainability and prosperity for all in Aotearoa, … Continue reading "Seeking NZTech Board Nominations 2022"

NZTech Inform – skills pathways and R&D

This week, I am looking forward to hosting our first physical NZTech member event in quite some time! Meeting in person is always a great way to connect, share and network.
NZTech News

Draft National Adaption Plan

NZTech wishes to thank the Ministry for the opportunity to submit our views on its Draft National Adaptation Plan.

NZTech Inform – exploring Māori tech

What role does the Māori tech ecosystem play in the development of local talent for the tech sector? It seems like a huge opportunity, but there is a lot to learn and understand.