NZTech News

Help shape New Zealand’s Tech and Innovation Story – take the survey

New Zealand’s response to the global pandemic has positioned us as nimble and decisive – a country that thinks differently. Now is the perfect time to share our New Zealand Tech and Innovation Story with the world, support our ambitious tech businesses and help accelerate New Zealand’s economic recovery.  Led by NZTech in collaboration with … Continue reading "Help shape New Zealand’s Tech and Innovation Story – take the survey"
NZTech News

Goodbye 2020!

Well, what a year! Who would have predicted a global pandemic and the havoc it wreaked in 2020?

NZTech Inform – Showcasing tech careers to teachers

You may be familiar with our award winning ShadowTech programme, inspiring girls to consider the tech industry and career paths.   For 2021, we have expanded this programme and now introduce ShadowTech Teachers!   Teachers and career advisors play an influential role by guiding and informing students about possible career pathways.  However, unless they have personally worked … Continue reading "NZTech Inform – Showcasing tech careers to teachers"
NZTech News

Celebrating LocationTech’s launch

During 2020, location technology’s profile was boosted, largely due to the global impact of COVID-19. It quickly became clear how location technology is crucial to the management of the pandemic; mapping of cases, contact tracing, regional lockdown management and dashboards. Earlier this month, LocationTech held its launch event in Wellington, Christchurch and online. Location and spatial professionals … Continue reading "Celebrating LocationTech’s launch"

NZTech Inform – accelerating tech for New Zealand’s benefit

Last week, in my role as Chair of the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand, I was delighted to meet with the Hon Dr David Clark whose new portfolios include Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Digital Economy and Communications, and Statistics.    We had an engaging discussion on creating a prosperous nation underpinned by technology.  This discussion crossed all three of my … Continue reading "NZTech Inform – accelerating tech for New Zealand’s benefit"

NZTech Inform – boosting our economy with biotech

Later today, we will be sending NZTech’s Briefing to Incoming Ministers (BIMs) with recommendations ranging from reviewing the impact of the R&D tax credits on software companies to immediate border exemptions for non-citizens granted visas for IT occupations before border closures.

NZTech Inform – staying safe online and in-person

As COVID-19 community transmission leaks from managed isolation and quarantine centres, momentarily slamming the brakes on the economy again, automated tracking will soon be adopted.  It is pleasing to finally see the Government enhancing the Covid-19 app with Apple and Google’s jointly developed Bluetooth contact tracking system.   Following the last lockdown, the excellent uptake of the … Continue reading "NZTech Inform – staying safe online and in-person"
NZTech News

Celebrating location and sharing our story

Since our last newsletter, there have been a couple of prominent elections. While there is little comparison between ours, here in New Zealand and the United States of America, both heralded change.