NZTech is currently accepting Board Internship applications. If you would like to gain governance experience, engage in industry and build networks, then this is an opportunity not to be missed. We are looking for an intern in the senior management team of a fast-growing, New Zealand owned hi-tech firm, willing to share their perspective and proactively …
Continue reading "Would you like to be the next NZTech Board appointed intern?"
03 November 2020
The write up of our digital skills survey is well underway. Fortunately, we had almost 200 responses to the survey, including most of the largest employers.
02 November 2020
Thank goodness the election is over and Government can quickly get back to business. Labour's return to Government is good news for tech.
19 October 2020
Given every single tech firm I talk to describes a serious skills shortage, you would think most could take 10 minutes to help sort the problem.
12 October 2020
Recently, every second conversation I have had with members has been about the difficulty in finding the tech people they need to run and grow their businesses
05 October 2020
Kia ora, Until COVID-19 struck, large New Zealand businesses and fast growing tech firms were bringing in thousands of highly skilled digital professionals each year. The local education system has been able to produce approximately 5000 new computer science graduates a year, but hi-tech firms used the international market for advanced skills such as machine …
Continue reading "NZTech Inform – emerging issues for our economic recovery"
28 September 2020
During the past year, the tech ecosystem continued to grow and positively impact Aotearoa New Zealand.
13 August 2020
Auckland’s water shortage has been exacerbated by a lack of investment in technology, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says
12 August 2020
The NZTech AGM will now be held online via Zoom webinar on 13 August at 4pm.
12 August 2020