NZTech, the national non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation for tech, has reported phenomenal growth of the New Zealand tech ecosystem in the last 12 months. At last night’s annual meeting in Auckland, chair Mitchell Pham said NZTech now has an alliance of 20 tech communities and more than 800 organisations across the New Zealand technology landscape who …
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26 July 2018
I think it’s time to have another rant about education! Recently, I have been to meetings and events where a recurring theme has emerged – the looming skills shortage. Just last week at the Woodflow Conference, I was asked how organisations can help their staff learn new skills on this digital journey. Are schools teaching kids …
Continue reading "NZTech Update – Igniting the future with digital readiness"
01 July 2018
Tomorrow I am in Rotorua speaking at the Woodflow WoodTech Conference. My brief is to provide a holistic view of how rapidly changing technology is changing the way we do business. As I dusted off an exponential technology presentation that I delivered two years ago, it was quite amazing to review the predictions. In 2016, …
Continue reading "NZTech Update – Real barriers to tech uptake"
24 June 2018
NZTech chair Mitchell Pham who receives the Kea World Class New Zealand Award tomorrow night, is a leader in New Zealand’s world class tech sector. Past winners of these awards include Sir Peter Jackson and Lady Fran Walsh. Mitchell Pham, director at Augen Software Group in New Zealand and Vietnam, co-founder of the Kiwi Connection …
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19 June 2018
Ahead of our AGM, I am delighted to report another year of phenomenal growth of the New Zealand tech ecosystem and our engagement across the wider economy. NZTech continues to connect, promote and advance the entire ecosystem. We continue to deliver even more events, delegations and summits. Our membership has expanded beyond traditional tech firms, …
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18 June 2018
Hundreds of fledgling New Zealand tech companies will feel the pinch if stimulating research and development grants are replaced with tax credits, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says. Muller says tax credits have a place but New Zealand needs to be as competitive as other countries if it wants a faster growing economy.
11 June 2018
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming soon and that means election season is now upon us! NZTech is the voice of the organisations that are redefining the world we live in. NZTech’s vision is a prosperous New Zealand, underpinned by technology. Our purpose is to connect, promote and advance the use of technology to …
Continue reading "Seeking NZTech Board Nominations"
06 June 2018
Last Friday, submissions for feedback on the proposed R&D tax credits were due. For several years NZTech has been encouraging the introduction of some form of R&D tax credit system. However this is in the context of being an additional method of stimulating R&D and not as a complete replacement to growth grants. Unfortunately, the …
Continue reading "NZTech Update – Building A Digital Economy"
04 June 2018
How amazing was Techweek’18? I hope you were involved, either attending an event, watching TechweekTV or one of the many webcasts. Last week, Techweek’18 hosted 538 tech and innovations events across 36 towns, connecting tens of thousands of Kiwis to the potential of our future. Techweek connected international investors to the potential of our hi-tech …
Continue reading "NZTech Update – UpStarters and Tech Wins!"
28 May 2018