From living our lives online; to the proliferation of internet enabled devices in our physical environments — the ubiquity of technology in modern life makes it imperative we consider the potential for harm from platforms, services, and devices, whilst ensuring we are still able to maximise the benefits of technology.
13 May 2024
Cybersecurity continues to feature high on NZTech’s work programme and this week I’m attending a breakfast in Wellington, Unleashing the power of AI to reduce cybersecurity threats. Checkpoint’s Asia Pacific Head of Security, Bisham Kishnani, is sharing international insights on the power of AI cyber analytics, AI’s role in incident response, AI-powered adaptive security and human-AI partnership for increased resilience.
06 May 2024
Our industry remains challenged in attracting more women into tech, ensuring supportive working environments and empowering them in management roles.
30 April 2024
I’m delighted to share some highlights from the Techweek24 programme today — which is now live!
23 April 2024
What is a climate technology roadmap and why do we need one? This is the question we’ll be answering on Thursday at the launch of our latest report in the Digital Nation series.
08 April 2024
When it comes to the cyber security conversation, metaphorically speaking we may have the ladder leaning against the wrong wall! If the ladder is on the wrong wall, then our efforts are misdirected and won’t lead us to improved security.
25 March 2024
I’m delighted when our members actively contribute to nurturing the tech ecosystem, extending support beyond their own requirements to empower emerging tech firms.
18 March 2024
Today, I’m in Wellington for our second Life Sciences Summit. BioTechNZ’s Summit is hosting hundreds of delegates, more than 50 inspiring speakers and 15 in-depth breakout discussions over two full days.
11 March 2024
Kia ora, Last week, along with about 400 others I attended the FinTechNZ Hui Taumata. It was a powerful gathering of innovative minds and I learnt a lot about the rapidly growing fintech sector. Tomorrow, I am in Wellington visiting the Beehive to discuss the role of technology in emissions reduction and boosting the tech …
Continue reading "Supporting long term growth"
04 March 2024