
Massive IoT Improves Supply Chains

Much like the rest of the world, New Zealand organisations have experienced significant supply chain disruptions since the onset of the global pandemic and as a result of global events. These span domestic and international delivery delays, supply constraints, and increases in equipment and transport costs.

NZTech Inform – digital skills, trust and security

Recently, I’ve been impressed with the inspiring agritech companies I keep hearing about who are taking on the world. Fortunately, AgriTechNZ has been doing an excellent job capturing some of these stories - check out the Kiwi agritech companies taking on the world and the Future of Farming is here.

Rebuild your networking muscles: biotech events ahead

After more than two years of making connections via Zoom, members are eager to reconnect face-to-face and move around New Zealand and internationally. The border opening will greatly accelerate the change.

NZTech Inform – ensuring digital trust

NZTech is hosting its annual Cyber Security Summit on the 25-26 July in Wellington, in collaboration with Brightstar events. As our lives and work become more reliant on the digital environment so does the need for our ability to trust the digital environment.

Matariki – For the Past, Present and Future

Last Friday we welcomed  our first public holiday celebrating mātauranga Māori – Matariki Day. This is a day to acknowledge our past (honour the people we have lost), the present (appreciate what we have), and the future (consider what’s ahead of us) – I’m sure universal values we can all appreciate.

Universal Design for Learning

An important framework within the New Zealand curriculum over the last decade has been the universal design for learning; a flexible and inclusive approach to teaching and learning that is underpinned by the intent to allow akonga (learners) to participate and engage with learning in a manner that celebrates and accommodates their individuality. 

Moving Towards our Intelligent Future

This month we start a series that introduces our Executive Council with Russell Craig from Microsoft. The Executive Council does a superb job of representing our many members, showing true passion and commitment to growing Aotearoa’s AI ecosystem.