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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Upcoming Events

22 - 12

The Great New Zealand AI Roadshow

These super-practical, AI for business masterclass events are perfect for non-technical people working in any industry.

August 22 - September 12
31 - 12

AI in the Real World: A Pragmatic Approach

Taking inspiration from the long history around the world of folk education, particularly the Scandinavian and Appalachian traditions, this course is designed to offer a fun, affordable and rigorous experience–that serves the needs of working adults. Like all folk education, liberation and movement building is at the core of the course. We save ourselves together–and we educate ourselves to build solidarity, share tactics, and create a shared vision for a better future for all of us. There’s no grades, no…

August 31 - October 12
09 - 10

16th annual Climate Change & Business Conference

The 16th annual Climate Change & Business Conference, coming up on 9-10 September in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, falls at a critical time for Aotearoa New Zealand as the country determines its next set of emissions reduction budgets and targets.

September 9 - September 10
10 - 12


SEPTEMBER 10TH-12TH | SF BAY AREA Join 13,000 Cloud and SaaS Founders, VCs, and Execs for the 10th SaaStr Annual: 3 full days of tactical content, 100’s of workshops, and 1000s of Networking sessions— all to help you scale faster with less stress and more success. 3 DAYS, SEPT 10-12 2024 FIRST EVER SAASTR.AI SUMMIT ON SEP 10-11 INCLUDED! OUTDOORS + INDOORS, THE ONLY FESTIVAL-STYLE SAAS EVENT 2,000+ NETWORKING SESSIONS 1000+ VCS AND INVESTORS (MEET ‘EM, PITCH ‘EM) 300+ SPEAKERS…

September 10 - September 12
11 Sep

2024 Aotearoa AI Summit

The AI Forum New Zealand is proud to present a comprehensive agenda at our 2024 Summit.

September 11
11 Sep

Senior Girls in Games Dev. Day

Senior Girls in Games is an immersive full-day event that covers the basics of Game Art and Game Programming for aspirational game developers in Years 11-13 that identify as female. Girls in Games includes hands-on and inspirational game design, game art, and game programming workshops. Over the course of the day, you'll be introduced to creating art assets for games in 2D or 3D. You'll also create your own game using a game engine and gain valuable insights from Media…

September 11 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
12 Sep

Aotearoa AI: Intelligence first

Together, they will explore trust and AI adoption in Aotearoa through a uniquely human lens, emphasising the impact on our tamariki, rangatahi and emerging talent.

September 12 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
16 Sep

Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko Hui

On behalf of the Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko, the AI Forum New Zealand’s Māori Advisory Panel for Artificial Intelligence (AI), we would like to invite you and anyone you think would benefit from attending, to participate in a kōrero on Large Language Models (LLM) for language preservation and revitalisation, sharing the learnings from the Mongolian experience of creating their own LLM.

September 16 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
17 Sep

Junior Girls in Games Dev. Day

Junior Girls in Games is an immersive full-day event that covers the basics of Game Art and Game Programming for aspirational game developers in Years 9 & 10 that identify as female. Girls in Games includes hands-on and inspirational game design, game art, and game programming workshops. Over the course of the day, you'll be introduced to creating art assets and programming in a game engine, while gaining valuable insights from Media Design School's Game Development staff.  This schedule is…

September 17 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
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