Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Other Industry Reports

Industry, Government and NGOs working together to shape digital skills priorities and actions.

Digital Skills Hui Update This Digital Skills Forum post-event briefing paper provides insights from the Digital Skills Hui held in Wellington in March 2019. It includes the workshop findings and key observations from a full day of panel discussions, lightning talks, and interactive workshops looking to address digital skills issues. The Digital Skills Forum is … Continue reading "Industry, Government and NGOs working together to shape digital skills priorities and actions."

Other Industry Reports

The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2018

2018 Update As the voice of the technology ecosystem, in 2016 NZTech set about finding out just how important technology is for New Zealand. Without an answer there is serious risk that as a country we will miss opportunities for both economic growth and social improvement. While growth in tech exports will continue to be … Continue reading "The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2018"

NZVARA Report 2017
Other Industry Reports

Virtual gets Real – The Explosion of Cross Reality in New Zealand

This NZVRARA reports looks at the rapid rise of the cross-reality sector which comprises virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) in New Zealand and the opportunities for New Zealand to exploit these novel technologies. Report prepared by: New Zealand VR/AR Association