Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Digital Nation Series

Digital Skills For Our Digital Future

Explore New Zealand’s digital skills landscape with this updated analysis.  For the first time ever, data from our Digital Skills Survey has been aggregated across the entire digital skills pipeline, from school to tertiary education, from education to employment, from within the market and from immigration.   The research found system wide challenges requiring urgent national attention … Continue reading "Digital Skills For Our Digital Future"

Briefing Papers

TechLeaders Manifesto

Ahead of the 2020 General Election, New Zealand’s TechLeaders are urging all political parties to prioritise our digital future.  The TechLeaders Executive have published their manifesto outlining specific areas that we believe the next Government must focus on. Today, we are increasingly reliant on technology to access information, learn, shop, work and connect with family and friends.  … Continue reading "TechLeaders Manifesto"

NZ Tech Sector 2019
Other Industry Reports

The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2019

2019 update With the rapidly changing pace of technology most people are unaware of the exponential impact many technologies are having throughout society. As the voice of the technology ecosystem, in 2016 NZTech set about finding out just how important technology is for New Zealand.  Without an answer there is serious risk that as a … Continue reading "The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2019"

Briefing Papers

How Capability Frameworks can prepare organisations for future challenges

Capability frameworks focus on continuous learning and future potential within the workplace. Technology leaders from some of New Zealand’s largest organisations met to discuss how capability frameworks can enable organisations to keep up with changes. This paper captures the outputs of that discussion. Report prepared by: TechLeaders Executive

Briefing Papers

InsurTech emerging at pace

An assessment of the New Zealand InsurTech ecosystem. The international Insurance sector is undergoing profound challenges. Traditional insurers are facing increasing competition and more pressure on margins, compounded by the growing influence of new market entrants using new technology platforms. Report prepared by InsurTechNZ and EY

Other Industry Reports

The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2018

2018 Update As the voice of the technology ecosystem, in 2016 NZTech set about finding out just how important technology is for New Zealand. Without an answer there is serious risk that as a country we will miss opportunities for both economic growth and social improvement. While growth in tech exports will continue to be … Continue reading "The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2018"

Briefing Papers

Digital Principles

This briefing paper prepared by the TechLeaders Executive sets out six key principles to support New Zealand’s transformation to a more digitally competitive nation. Report prepared by: TechLeaders Executive

Briefing Papers

Preparing for the Digital Disruption of Work

Digital transformation, including automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to impact many current jobs and the income of many New Zealanders. This TechLeaders Executive discussion paper looks at how we can best prepare for the imminent digital disruption of work. Report prepared by: TechLeaders Executive

Digital Skills for a Digital Nation Report
Digital Nation Series

Digital Skills for a Digital Nation

An analysis of the digital skills landscape of New Zealand. This report commissioned by the New Zealand Digital Skills Forum, provides actionable findings, to ensure we, as a nation, can realise our potential through developing a skilled capable workforce prepared for the future of work. Report prepared by: New Zealand Digital Skills Forum