NZTech Water Services Bill Submission

Submission to the Health Commitee on the Water Services Bill. NZTech supports the Water Services Bill with amendment on s-map information and real-time water monitoring. Submission prepared by NZTech.

Work Development Council Consultation Response

A Response to the Creative, Cultural, Recreation and Technology Workforce Development Council This consultation response is on behalf of New Zealand’s digital technologies industry and profession and follows a number of previous submissions, discussions and meetings with the Tertiary Education Commission highlighting many of the points outlined within. The Digital Technology Industry does not support … Continue reading "Work Development Council Consultation Response"

NZTech Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bill Submission

Submission to Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bill. NZTech supports the Bill with an amendment upon Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and a lack of legislative enablement for one. Submission prepared by NZTech.

NZTech Strengthening Languages Submission

Submission to the Education and Workforce Committee on the Education (Strengthening second language learning in primary and intermediate schools) Amendment Bill. NZTech supports the Bill with an amendment of including Coding Language as one of the 10-National Priority Languages. Submission prepared by NZTech.

Submission on Research and Development Tax Credit Legislation

Submission to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on the Taxation (KiwiSaver, Student Loans, and Remedial Matters) Bill. Although supportive of the research and development (R&D) tax incentive, NZTech’s concerns include the cessation of the current growth scheme and potential compliance burden of the application process on smaller firms.  NZTech also requests further discussion on … Continue reading "Submission on Research and Development Tax Credit Legislation"

Productivity Commission – Future of Work Submission

This is a submission on behalf of the Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand / Te Kāhui Atamai Iahiko o Aotearoa to the New Zealand Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper – Technological change and the future of work. Prepared by the AI Forum

Statistics NZ – Legislative Review Submission

This is a submission on behalf of the Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand to Stats NZ on the public discussion document Towards new data and statistics legislation. Prepared by the AI Forum