We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.
FinTechNZ congratulates the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) for its leadership inproposing a Digital Strategy for Aoteaora and we thank you for the opportunity tocontribute feedback.
November 2021
#Economy, #Fintech
The AI Forum is working with the New Zealand Government on establishing an AI Strategy forAotearoa New Zealand within the Digital ITP. AI currently sits within the Mahi Ake (Growth)and should be extracted and sit as a foundation for the Strategy.
November 2021
#Artificial Intelligence, #Economy
In this submission we provide the following information: Background on the Industry Groups party to this submission Provide key areas for consideration (the main body of our submission) Provide answers to the questions requested
November 2021
NZTech supports the creation of a Digital Strategy for Aoteaora (the Strategy) and seeks to play an active role in its development and implementation.
November 2021
#Economy, #NZTech Activities
Learn more about how NZTech connects, promotes and advances the New Zealand tech sector. Report prepared by: NZTech – 12 August 2021
August 2021
#NZTech Activities
In response to increasing shortages of digital skills and challenges with accessing these skills locally and via immigration, NZTech undertook a survey to identify current skills needs, work being done to access skills locally and the challenges of accessing digital skills via immigration. This report provides a summary of the survey results and recommendations for …
Continue reading "Critical Workers Border Exemption Survey"
July 2021
#Skills, Talent & Work
The New Zealand Tech and Innovation Story (Tech Story) is a marketing initiative designed to deliver a compelling, consistent way of promoting our tech and innovation capabilities. This will help our businesses grow internationally by attracting tech investment, tech talent and growing our tech exports. The Discover and Define phases of the refreshed Tech Story …
Continue reading "New Zealand Tech And Innovation Story Summary Insights Report"
July 2021
#Skills, Talent & Work
The Industry Transformation Plan as a whole looks at what we need to do to scale up and transform our sector to lead New Zealand’s economic development. This work is being lead by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) alongside NZTech. The Skills Workstream assembled a Steering Group who oversaw the compilation of …
Continue reading "Digital ITP Skills Workstream – Draft Report"
July 2021
#Skills, Talent & Work
FinTechNZ is a not-for-profit industry body that brings together financial and technology companies, service providers, investors, regulators and other stakeholders in New Zealand, with the purpose of contributing to New Zealand’s prosperity through technology innovation in financial services. The Department for International Trade (DIT) is the United Kingdom’s (UK) international economic department, responsible for promoting …
Continue reading "Trade opportunities for NZ and UK"
April 2021
#NZTech Activities