The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech Alliance
The Inland Revenue is reviewing the policy settings and practices relating to the taxation of software development in order to determine an appropriate tax accounting treatment for income and expenses within the software development sector. NZTech is supporting the Inland Revenue consultation phase by undertaking a survey across a broad range of member organisations that … Continue reading "Tech Alliance Software Tax Survey – March 2021"
19 March 2021
NZTech Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bill Submission
Submission to Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bill. NZTech supports the Bill with an amendment upon Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and a lack of legislative enablement for one. Submission prepared by NZTech.
04 February 2021
Incoming Minister Briefing
Build Digital Capability to accelerate economic growth and productivity This TechLeaders Executive briefing paper recommends the joint development of a NZ Digital Strategy to progress the frameworks, policy, regulation and the investments needed to grow New Zealand’s digital capability.
10 December 2020
TechLeaders Manifesto
Ahead of the 2020 General Election, New Zealand’s TechLeaders are urging all political parties to prioritise our digital future. The TechLeaders Executive have published their manifesto outlining specific areas that we believe the next Government must focus on. Today, we are increasingly reliant on technology to access information, learn, shop, work and connect with family and friends. … Continue reading "TechLeaders Manifesto"
03 August 2020
NZ Tech Alliance COVID-19 Survey
Several of the Tech Alliance associations conducted a member survey April and May 2020 to gather insights into the impact of COVID-19 on the tech ecosystem. Several hundred members responded and the results found that there was a decline in operations across the board. While some tech firms experienced initial work increases, in general most … Continue reading "NZ Tech Alliance COVID-19 Survey"
04 May 2020
Submission on Research and Development Tax Credit Legislation
Submission to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on the Taxation (KiwiSaver, Student Loans, and Remedial Matters) Bill. Although supportive of the research and development (R&D) tax incentive, NZTech’s concerns include the cessation of the current growth scheme and potential compliance burden of the application process on smaller firms. NZTech also requests further discussion on … Continue reading "Submission on Research and Development Tax Credit Legislation"
05 September 2019
Interactive Aotearoa
An analysis of the impact of interactive media and games on New Zealand’s economy and wellbeing. The Interactive Aotearoa Study drew upon several data sources, research studies and 50 qualitative interviews. It presents a stocktake of interactive media globally and locally, and makes recommendations to grow the social, cultural and economic potential of interactive design … Continue reading "Interactive Aotearoa"
20 August 2019
2017 Manifesto – New Zealand’s Digital Future
It is our strongly held belief that the prosperity of New Zealand is inextricably linked to how we embrace our future as a digital nation. This manifesto is a collaboration by leading associations and professional bodies in New Zealand’s technology sector to make a meaningful contribution to the agenda of political parties. As we approach … Continue reading "2017 Manifesto – New Zealand’s Digital Future"
31 May 2017
From Tech Sector to Digital Nation
With the rapidly changing pace of technology, most people are unaware of the exponential impact many technologies are having throughout society. As the voice of the technology sector, NZTech set about finding out just how important technology is to the New Zealand economy. Report prepared by: NZTech
08 June 2016