We met with the CEO of figure.nz, an organisation that has developed a platform bringing data from multiple sources together into one place.
24 July 2020
Last week, we met with representatives from the telecommunications sector.
20 July 2020
This week, our chair, Mitchell Pham, caught up with Government Digital Services Minister Hon. Kris Faafoi and Statistics Minister Hon. James Shaw to talk about our upcoming research report due later this month.
07 July 2020
Last week, we met with people from the arts and creative industries, which was fascinating.
07 July 2020
Last week we continued to meet with a wide array of sectors and interest groups — thanks again to everyone who’s taken the time to meet with us.
26 June 2020
We’re excited to announce the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand is a gold sponsor of the Digital Identity NZ benchmarking survey on New Zealanders’ attitudes towards digital interactions, trust and transparency.
18 June 2020
Thanks to everyone who read and provided feedback on our advice to Ministers on the medium to long-term opportunities and impacts of Covid-19 from a digital and data perspective.
12 June 2020
When the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand formed in February we were tasked with advising government Ministers on different options for tackling the medium to long term technology and data issues facing the country.
03 June 2020
As anticipated, our work is ramping up as the number of people we engage with increases, our work programme scales up, and there is more to share with you
29 May 2020