
NZTech Inform – cognitive diversity and innovation

During the past few weeks, I may not have been travelling or having in person meetings, but there is still plenty going on as the NZTech team drive collaboration and advocacy for the importance of tech in New Zealand’s economic recovery.

NZTech Inform – Our Chance To Truly Transform

Last week, during the seemingly endless zoom, Teams and Hangout meetings, I began to hear a pleasing change of tone. The groups and agencies we are working with on the COVID-19 response, are now spending more time discussing ways to reboot the economy. NZTech is advocating that we should do more than just reboot the economy. This is a chance to transform the economy for the better, by encouraging organisations to adopt technology.

NZTech Inform – Digital Reboot Required

If you read this morning’s news, you could be excused for thinking life is returning to normal. Reports included lengthy queues for takeaways and traffic building on the motorways. Also, the virus is “currently eliminated,” says our Prime Minister.

NZTech Inform – Rebuilding A Resilient Economy

Kia ora, Recently, Xero commissioned the New Zealand Economic Research Institute (NZIER) to undertake a major analysis of the impact of cloud-based technology on the New Zealand economy.

NZTech Inform – Supporting Digital Home Learning

Will 2020 be the year of education technology? It seems hard to imagine anything positive from the COVID-19 crisis, but if we do it well, the New Zealand education system will successfully flourish.

NZTech Inform – Harnessing Kiwi Resilience

As a tech entrepreneur for 27 years, I have had first-hand experience of many crises (including Y2K, the Dot-com bubble and the 2008 global financial crisis) that directly impacted my businesses and the rest of the economy, both at home and abroad.

NZTech Inform – Our Digital Tipping Point

Whenever I see metaphorical dark, gloomy clouds, I always look for the silver lining. Right now, COVID-19 is having a devasting impact on the world, socially and economically. However, is it possible that in the long term, something good could come from this experience? If so, how can New Zealand begin work on this now?