NZTech News


BioTechNZ supports the NZTech manifesto, which outlines specific areas the Government should focus on to enable and grow Aotearoa as a Digital Nation. These actions are aligned with the Digital Tech ITP.
Industry News

Spotlight on sustainability

This month, FinTechNZ’s Sustainability working group contributed to NZTech’s Climate Technology roadmap proposal to several Government agencies.
Industry News

How you can support our growth

The BlockchainNZ Podcast is looking for new sponsors! As we continue to grow we require new sponsors to support our mission. Please consider this opportunity –  providing excellent exposure for your brand, connecting with our audience and demonstrating your support of New Zealand’s blockchain and cryptocurrency community. We are conducting a blind auction for gold, … Continue reading "How you can support our growth"
Industry News

Taking a pulsecheck!

Welcome to the 2024 New Zealand Fintech Pulsecheck Survey! Our aim is to gain insights from our members, based on their experiences to better understand the issues that define our industry. Your responses will help inform our next bi-annual Fintech Pulsecheck report, Building Trust and Transparency in Financial Services for Aotearoa New Zealand. Following its … Continue reading "Taking a pulsecheck!"
NZTech News

Supporting SaaS growth | Knowledge sharing

Kia ora, I was impressed to learn that almost 1000 New Zealand software-as-a-service (SaaS) businesses have signed up to the KiwiSaaS community. This initiative is supported by the Digital Technologies Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) and is designed to help the fastest growing part of the tech sector grow even faster through rapid connections and knowledge sharing. For example, Callaghan … Continue reading "Supporting SaaS growth | Knowledge sharing"

NZTech Inform: Bridging the gap

On Thursday I facilitated our NZTech Connect event, Bridging the participation gap of Māori in Aotearoa’s tech sector. We heard about the impressive work that Spark has been undertaking from their head of People and Culture Heather Polglase. Special thanks also to Te Matarau The Māori Tech Association CEO Lee Timutimu, Spark Kaupapa Māori Lead Rhonda Koroheke and Te Pūkenga … Continue reading "NZTech Inform: Bridging the gap"
NZTech News

View our 2023 highlights

We’re helping create a more equitable, sustainable and prosperous Aotearoa New Zealand underpinned by good tech. Learn how NZTech connects, promotes and advances our technology ecosystem to help the tech sector and the economy grow.  NZTech’s latest Annual Report was published on 16 August, 2023.
NZTech News

NZTech Inform – Digital Skills for Tomorrow, Today

Kia ora, We’re delighted to launch the latest edition of Digital Skills Aotearoa: Digital Skills for Tomorrow, Today. Our third edition issues an urgent call to industry and Government to collaborate now and equip Aotearoa New Zealand’s workforce with skills for the digital age. It addresses the causes of the skills gap, nurturing talent and fostering … Continue reading "NZTech Inform – Digital Skills for Tomorrow, Today"