AgritechNZ’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan

Submission by AgritechNZ to the Ministry for the Environment AgriTech New Zealand (AgriTechNZ) thanks the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Second Emissions Reduction Plan for New Zealand, specifically for agriculture. The AgriTechNZ community is deeply committed to developing innovative technologies … Continue reading "AgritechNZ’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan"

NZTech’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan

Submission by NZTech to the Ministry for the Environment The direction for industry to invest in low emissions where it can add value, and the Government’s focus on removing regulatory barriers and encouraging private investment is positive. However, despite referring to being “technologically-led”, the Emissions Plan significantly understates the role technology can play in delivering … Continue reading "NZTech’s response to NZ’s second emissions reduction plan"

The Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand

Submission by NZTech to Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa NZTech welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand consultation process. We recognise the need to revise the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). As the Discussion Document notes, the labour market and economy have changed dramatically … Continue reading "The Future of Occupation Classifications in Aotearoa New Zealand"

Safer Online Services and Media Platforms

NZTech welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Safer Online Services and MediaPlatforms discussion document (Discussion Document) and supports the Government’songoing efforts to foster a safe internet environment for consumers. Our submission focuses on what we consider to be key elements of the proposedframework. These include proposals for regulating content, determining services inscope of the … Continue reading "Safer Online Services and Media Platforms"

Customer and Product Data Bill

NZTech welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Customer and Product Data Bill Exposure Draft. Our submission focuses on certain key aspects of the proposed legislation including consent settings, ethical use of data and accreditation.

Informing the Strategic Direction of ERP2

NZTech welcomes the Commission’s acknowledgement that targeted investment in climate change within the research, science, innovation and technology system is required. We believe that a key means of meeting these goals is the development by Government, with industry support, of a Technology Roadmap. This recommendation forms the basis of our submission.