
NZTech Update – NZTech Women, High Impact Team update and six months on!

Hi Readers This newsletter marks six months since I joined the NZTech team and no two weeks are the same! It has been my top priority to connect with our vibrant members and learn about your organisations, priorities, challenges and the innovative products and services you offer. Just weeks after I joined NZTech, the Kaikoura … Continue reading "NZTech Update – NZTech Women, High Impact Team update and six months on!"

NZTech Update – Culture tech and the launch of NZ IoT Alliance

Tena koe Readers As a first-time contributor to NZ Tech’s weekly updates and by way of introduction, I’ve recently joined the NZTech board to help build a supporting head of steam under New Zealand’s creative technologists and the local tech companies focused on culture and creative industries opportunities. A PwC report for creative industries’ alliance … Continue reading "NZTech Update – Culture tech and the launch of NZ IoT Alliance"

NZTech Update – Trade Agenda 2030, FinTech, IoT and more

Hi Readers On Friday, the Prime Minister announced increased focus on international trade and released the government’s Trade Agenda for the next 10 years. It was great to see the tech sector and digital exports highlighted as areas of focus to help improve New Zealand’s export diversification. Meanwhile, the Hon Todd McClay, has invited NZTech … Continue reading "NZTech Update – Trade Agenda 2030, FinTech, IoT and more"

NZTech Update – Techweek kick-off, IoT research and skills shortage

Hi Readers It has been a busy week for the entire NZTech team, starting last Monday with the Techweek kick-off for event hosts in Auckland. With around 200 events scheduled across New Zealand during Techweek, it is essential they run smoothly. On Tuesday morning we caught up with the GCIO team in Wellington regarding the … Continue reading "NZTech Update – Techweek kick-off, IoT research and skills shortage"