The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceHi Readers,
This is a little something I prepared earlier! Today as you read this, I should be enjoying the snow on the Remarkables. Last week, having visited local councils and tech ecosystems in Dunedin and Queenstown to excite them about Techweek, I scheduled a long weekend with my family.
The fresh mountain air is welcome after spending last week engaged in intense conversations about international cooperation to improve cyber security at the Global Tech Leaders Dialogue in Melbourne. The outcome of the meetings is an initiative to create something akin to the World Health Organisation for cybersecurity, at least across the Asia-Pacific region, to better collaborate and coordinate responses to cyber attacks. The NZTech Cyber Security Summit in Wellington on October 25 will also present an opportunity to be involved in local discussion with a range of firms sharing their experiences and best practices.
Last week, Wellington hosted the second political debate on our digital future, a collaborative project between NZTech, ITP, InternetNZ and the other groups that worked to put together the 2017 Tech Manifesto. If you missed the debate, you can watch it here.
Hopefully I don’t break a leg (or anything else!) on the mountain today, as the remainder of this week is full of meetings and on Friday I head to Taipei, but that’s another story which can wait until next week’s update.
Have a great week
Graeme Muller
Missed the political debate? Watch it here
Join us for lunch and a panel discussion on how to create a more inclusive workplace, including diversity management strategies, diversity stocktakes, cultivating diversity, closing the gender gap and flexible work practices. Our Developing Diversity event is in Auckland on 7 September.
Join NZSA on 12 September in Auckland for their monthly event featuring Promapp‘s Ivan Seselj. For an introduction to Blockchain, attend on 11 September in Auckland. The next BANZ networking event is 14 September in Auckland.
Save the dates for the FinTechNZ Connect spring event series in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, with an InsurTech focus. Meanwhile, attend Becoming a Digital Business on 11 September in Auckland.
Project Connect’s hosts Andy Cunningham on 11 September in Auckland to discuss Brand Strategy by Design. Learn more at her masterclass on 13 September. Andy also joins the Canterbury Tech Summit on 14 September.
The AI Forum’s Ben Reid is moderating a discussion on AI at the Canterbury Tech Summit. Pre-conference workshops include Cloud Security and Machine Learning 101. Canterbury Tech’s next networking event is scheduled for 3 October.
Wharf42 is working with Techweek to showcase AgTech and you can get involved. For global megatrends attend the NZBio Annual Conference 12-13 October in Wellington. Meanwhile, the ACPA is 16-18 October in Hamilton.
Colin Philp has joined the NZTech Women High Impact Team. He says men need to step up and make a difference! Promoting change isn’t reserved for senior leaders, everyone can commit to positive action he writes.
This year’s NZ Cloud Computing Summit theme is setting the cloud strategy in today’s digital ecosystem. Attend the summit on 31 October in Auckland. For a 10% discount use the NZTech promo code: MSPL4N.
Calling all hi-tech companies ready for investment. Meet next month’s visiting Chinese delegation. Register for the China New Zealand Hi-Tech Summit on 16 October in Auckland. Learn more here.
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