Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.


NZTech Submission | Privacy Regulation of Biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand: Consultation Paper

NZTech wishes to thank the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) for the opportunity to submit on the Privacy regulation of biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand: Consultation paper. The use of biometrics can greatly benefit organisations and individuals, providing greater convenience, efficiency and security. NZTech agrees with the need to protect people’s biometric information and … Continue reading "NZTech Submission | Privacy Regulation of Biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand: Consultation Paper"


Advanced Manufacturing Draft Industry Transformation Plan

NZTech thanks the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for the opportunity to make a submission on the Advanced Manufacturing Draft Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) and provide feedback on the proposed industry development initiatives.


NZTech Submission on the Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022

NZTech wishes to thank the Primary Production Committee for the opportunity to submit on the Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022. NZTech supports the Bill’s intent to make changes across several aspects of the fisheries management system, “to support a holistic, integrated approach to managing oceans and fisheries” and “to ensure commercial fishing is sustainable, productive and … Continue reading "NZTech Submission on the Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022"


Consultation on Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation

NZTech wishes to thank the Ministry for the opportunity to submit our views on its discussion document. We support the Government’s efforts to minimise slavery in supply chains and its acknowledgement of the role private sector companies play in this. We agree that a robust legislative framework will be a vital component of the Government’s … Continue reading "Consultation on Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation"


Freight and Supply Chain Issues Paper

NZTECH SUBMISSION ON THE FREIGHT AND SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES PAPERSUMMARY NZTech wishes to thank the Ministry for the opportunity to submit our views on its Freight andSupply Chain Issues Paper. We welcome in particular the invitation to provide feedback on therole of technology, digitisation and the technology sector in addressing the challenges facing thefreight and … Continue reading "Freight and Supply Chain Issues Paper"


Draft National Adaption Plan

NZTECH SUBMISSION ON THE DRAFT NATIONAL ADAPTATION PLANSUMMARY NZTech wishes to thank the Ministry for the opportunity to submit our views on its DraftNational Adaptation Plan. We welcome in particular the invitation to provide feedback on (i) theimpact of climate change on the technology sector, and (ii) the role of data and information inenabling assessment … Continue reading "Draft National Adaption Plan"


Immigration – Fit for the Future

NZTech wishes to thank the New Zealand Productivity Commission for the opportunity to submit on the Immigration – Fit for the Future (Preliminary findings and recommendations). NZTech is pleased that the Productivity Commission has recognised the significant economic and social contributions hat immigration has made to New Zealand, and the opportunity for it to make … Continue reading "Immigration – Fit for the Future"


AI Forum Submssion on the Data and Statistics Bill

The Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AI Forum) thanks the Governance and Administration Committee for the opportunity to submit on the Data and Statistics Bill. The AI Forum NZ would be happy to speak to the Select committee about our submission.