Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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We help to advance the foundations for a successful digital nation including education, connectivity, cybersecurity, digital access and trade. Our research explores the opportunities and impact that technology offers New Zealand.

Digital Nation Series

Aotearoa Agritech Unleashed

Better uptake of agritech across New Zealand farms could be worth $17B, says new report, Aotearoa Agritech Unleashed. Explore the local agritech landscape and discover the economic opportunity. Plus, driving productivity & sustainability.

NZ Tech Sector 2019
Other Industry Reports

The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2019

2019 update With the rapidly changing pace of technology most people are unaware of the exponential impact many technologies are having throughout society. As the voice of the technology ecosystem, in 2016 NZTech set about finding out just how important technology is for New Zealand.  Without an answer there is serious risk that as a … Continue reading "The New Zealand Tech Sector Key Metrics – 2019"

Other Industry Reports

NZ Tech Alliance COVID-19 Survey

Several of the Tech Alliance associations conducted a member survey April and May 2020 to gather insights into the impact of COVID-19 on the tech ecosystem.  Several hundred members responded and the results found that there was a decline in operations across the board. While some tech firms experienced initial work increases, in general most … Continue reading "NZ Tech Alliance COVID-19 Survey"


Algorithm Charter – feedback from the AI Forum

The Artificial Intelligence Forum of New Zealand (AI Forum) has reviewed the draft Algorithm Charter that was released by Stats NZ for consultation in October 2019 (Algorithm Charter) and wishes to provide some initial feedback as set out in this submission. We also wish to express our interest in participating further on the Algorithm Charter, … Continue reading "Algorithm Charter – feedback from the AI Forum"

Digital Nation Series

Artificial Intelligence for Financial and Insurance Services in New Zealand

Ahumoni me te Inihua i te Atamai Iahiko This report examines the New Zealand financial services, banking and insurance sectors, which are currently experiencing significant transformation.   Already, AI-enabled improvements are proving valuable and creating relatively rapid returns on investment.  AI-driven technologies will be critical to the industry’s reinvention in creating simple, transparent and personalised … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence for Financial and Insurance Services in New Zealand"

Briefing Papers

Securing New Zealand businesses against the next generation of cyber attack

New Zealand Cyber Security Summit This NZTech briefing paper provides insights from the recent New Zealand Cyber Security Summit in Wellington, including key observations from roundtable discussions involving senior executives and security specialists from a broad cross section of government agencies, largeprivate corporations and the tech sector.

Digital Nation Series

Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture in New Zealand

Ahuwhenua i te Atamai Iahiko This report examines the New Zealand and international AI industry landscapes for agriculture and investigates AI’s potential impacts for New Zealand’s place in the global food value chain. The research shows New Zealand urgently needs to increase its focus on the core foundations needed to operate in an AI enabled … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture in New Zealand"

Other Industry Reports

Industry, Government and NGOs working together to shape digital skills priorities and actions.

Digital Skills Hui Update This Digital Skills Forum post-event briefing paper provides insights from the Digital Skills Hui held in Wellington in March 2019. It includes the workshop findings and key observations from a full day of panel discussions, lightning talks, and interactive workshops looking to address digital skills issues. The Digital Skills Forum is … Continue reading "Industry, Government and NGOs working together to shape digital skills priorities and actions."

Digital Nation Series

Artificial Intelligence for Health in New Zealand

Hauora i te Atamai Iahiko The health sector in New Zealand is facing challenges. These include increasing demand, rising consumer expectations, and the pressures of an ageing population. These factors are straining the health workforce, increasing costs and limiting access to care. The AI Forum’s latest research report describes how AI promises to bring significant … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence for Health in New Zealand"